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BUS216 - Advanced Accounting for Business - 2022/23

Dear all,Happy New Year and welcome to BUS216I look forward to meeting you all on Tuesday in the lecture. The seminars begin immediately after the lecture, Friday 27th.  So if your semina...

Dear all,

Happy New Year and welcome to BUS216

I look forward to meeting you all on Tuesday in the lecture. The seminars begin immediately after the lecture, Friday 27th.  So if your seminar slot is on Friday, make sure you attend. For now, please read the module outline that is on the main page and chapter 8 before the lecture. All weeks are assessed- weeks 1-11.

Attendance, punctuality, and interaction are important and monitored in order to improve your grades and satisfaction with the module and its content. Internships, work and other commitments need to fit around your lecture and seminar times. Office hours are also detailed in the outline, feel free to see me, do not wait until it is too late. I am here to help you.

Prizes are on offer, see Student of the Month details in the module outline.


Dr Chandres Tejura

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